- In Memory of Dr. Frederic Blanc (21st February 1967-1st of March 2014)
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- FEMISE Board of Directors
- The end of the Arab Exceptionalism – Message from the FEMISE Annual conference
- WEF-CAP POLICY BRIEF No.1: WATER-ENERGY-FOOD NEXUS: The Way Forward for the Mediterranean Region in the Face of Insecurities
- Conference on "Research Initiative on the Economics of the Middle East", 5-6 November, Paris, France
- Relationships between multilateral institutions and the nation states of the Mediterranean basin : Summary Report of Toulon Conference
- Vol 4: The Arab Spring: Implications for Economic Integration- VoX-CEPR
- FEMISE Euromed: Towards a New Dynamic to Sustain the Economic and Social Balances
- The South Med Countries facing the environmental challenges
- WEFCAP Policy Brief No.3: The Technology Transfer and Capitalization of Water Energy Food NEXUS:Evaluation of WEF Nexus best practices for replication in the Mediterranean region
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- Cronyism, firms’ Productivity and Informal Competition in Egypt (FEMISE Commissioned Paper)
- Libéralisation du compte de capital et cadres de gestion macroéconomique comparés: Indicateurs de mesure et implications sectorielles et de politique monétaire en Tunisie
- Grandeur and decadence of authoritarian regimes in the Mediterranean
- Who benefits from growth in the Middle East and Maghreb?
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- CNR-ISSM Workshop: Inequalities in the Mediterranean
- Jean-Philippe PLATTEAU, Emeritus Professor of Economics at Université de Namur, Belgium, member of FEMISE Advisory Board
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no2 : Emigration and culture in the MENA
- What challenges facing economic development in the MENA? A youth-driven research initiative backed by FEMISE (5-6 November 2018, Paris , France)
- NEXT SOCIETY Advocacy Panel for Innovation, October 26th, Amman (Jordan)
- FEMISE welcomes 8 new members !
- World Innovation and Creativity day : FEMISE takes a stand
- Environmentally Friendly Economic Tools and Finances : The Path Towards Sustainability in the Mediterranean
- Evaluation of the Professional Training System and its Impacts on Development: Comparison Between Morocco and Tunisia
- A difficult but fundamental transition for the Mediterranean
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- Facilitation of Transportation in Turkey and Poland: a Comparative Study
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- FEMISE report on: Social and Solidarity Economy: a Driver for inclusiveness and job creation in the Mediterranean partner countries?
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- Productivity and technology: when Egyptian businesses hold the keys to the export market
- Raed SAFADI, Chief Economic Adviser at Dubai’s Department of Economic Development, Member of FEMISE Advisory Board
- FEMISE Annual Conference In Barcelona2023- Plenary Session 1 Report
- Performances productives et climat de l'investissement dans quatre pays de l'espace MENA : Algérie, Egypte, Maroc, Liban
- Democratic transition: ensuring economic stability in the Euro-Mediterranean region
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no3 : FDI in MENA and impact of institutional context
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- "The Social and Solidarity Economy is the vector of social cohesion in the Mediterranean", declaration of the Rendez-Vous of the Mediterranean
- La conceptualisation du comportement des firmes dans le contexte d'ouverture des pays Méditerranéens
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- What growth potential for trade between the EU and its Mediterranean partners?
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- Analysis of International Integration in the South Med Countries (FEMISE Commissioned Paper)
- Young people, the key to the Mediterranean
- Institute of Economics, Zagreb and Institut de la Mediterranee de Tunis: 2 new members in FEMISE
- Tobias SCHUMACHER, Chairholder of the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair, European Interdisciplinary Studies Department , College of Europe, Member of FEMISE Advisory Board
- Mediterranean: Information, a "public good" made accessible by FEMISE
- Policies to Promote an Enabling Environment for a Knowledge-based Economy in Palestine and Jordan
- Evaluation of the "Programme de mise à niveau" implemented by the southern Mediterranean countries
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- FEMISE and ERF Workshop on: "Impact of Syrian Refugees Influx on Neighbouring Countries" Cairo, 17 December 2017
- FEMISE EuroMed Report 2019 : The private sector in the Mediterranean countries: Main dysfunctions and opportunities of social entrepreneurship
- UNISA Call for Master Scholarship Applications Deadline: 15 May 2024
- International Openness and Social Development as Endogenous Determinants of Growth and Convergence of the Countries in the MENA Region
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- Call for Papers: Prospects in the Mediterranean: contacts, tensions, vulnerabilities (article only available in French)
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.16: Promoting Virtual Exchange as a resilient way to strengthen academic internationalisation in the South Med
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- Fathallah Sijilmassi, Economist and Diplomate, Member of the FEMISE Advisory Board
- How does Trade Liberalization Affect Entry and Exit Costs: A comparison of the Spanish and Turkish experiences using firm-level data
- Towards a new Tunisia-EU relationship: In the perspective of the Deep Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA)
- Decision Tree of the Roadmap For Agricultural Liberalization in The Euro-Mediterranean Zone
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.11: Evaluating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on income distribution and poverty in Turkey
- Financial Systems in Mediterranean Partners and the EURO-Mediterranean Partnership
- Rethinking migration of physicians
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- FEMISE Call for Policy Briefs- DL 30th of September 2017
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no. 3: Financial reforms for more Resilient Societies in the Mediterranean
- THE NEXT SOCIETY #NOWANDLIVE AgriTech: Between dependency and opportunities, the future of a strategic sector for the Mediterranean
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- From two Decades of "Liberalisation led Astray" Towards "democratically Organised Development" ; case studies on Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia
- WEF Innovation and Technology: Seeds of Change for a Water Wise Mediterranean.
- The role of Rules of Origin in the process of Euro-Med integration
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- For a differentiated neighbourhood policy
- Global Value Chain Participation and Prospects for Local Upgrading in the Egyptian-Chinese Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone(FEMISE Commissioned Paper)
- Why do doctors of the Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe migrate to Europe?
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- Regional Integration, Firms’ Location and Convergence: An Application to the Euro-Mediterranean Area
- The Challenge Of Employment In The Mediterranean Countries
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.22: COVID-related Financial Challenges for South-Med Universities: The Way Forward
- Trade and Jobs in Morocco: Why do some firms succeed and others fail to increase employment?
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- Launch of FEMISE EuroMed 2017 report in Brussels on the 23rd of November
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- FEMISE presents its Euromed Report in the occasion of the 20 years of the Institut de la Méditerranée, 20 May 2014
- FDI in MENA: Impact of political and trade liberalisation process
- Unemployment, Job Quality and Labour Market Stratification in the MED Region: The cases of Egypt and Morocco
- New FEMISE Study: Immigrating pushes the GDP!
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- The Children Challenge In The Mediterranean Area Experiences and perspectives in child well-being promotion
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- FEMISE is betting on the social and solidarity economy
- World Health Day: FEMISE initiative to face COVID-19 in the Mediterranean
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.12: COVID-19, distance education and the digital divide: What measures to be taken for Tunisia?
- Income Inequality and Poverty after Trade Liberalization in MENA Countries
- Morocco and the future “Mediterranean Solar Plan”: a sustainable energy source
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- When the Weather affects the economy
- Med Change Makers e08 : Vera DANILINA, Green Public Procurement Vs. Environmental taxation: potential for EuroMed environmental cooperation
- Text of Femise conferences 2001, 2000 and 1999 workshops
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- Second Annual Conference of GDRI on International Development Economics in collaboration with FEMISE
- Syrian refugees boost economic growth in Turkey
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- FEMISE Annual Conference In Barcelona2023- Plenary Session 2 Report
- The financial crisis affects the real economy of Mediterranean countries
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.17: Energy transition, sustainability, and labour market policies: Implications and recommendations for the South Mediterranean countries
- Social Cohesion Policies in Mediterranean Countries: an Assessment of Instruments and Outcomes
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- Inequality and inclusive growth : Are education and innovation favoring firm performance and well-being?
- Report "The Challenges of Climate Change in the Mediterranean" (2018)
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- “Reconstruction cost of Syria is estimated at $300 billion...”, interview with Osama Kadi
- Effects of Syrian Refugees on Labor Markets of Host Middle Eastern and European Countries
- Report on: Trade Liberalization and Jobs in the Mediterranean: Towards a New Generation of Trade Agreements
- Papers presented at the Femise annual conference, 2003
- Rising temperatures and falling GDPs in Mediterranean countries
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no11 : "External and internal imbalances in South Mediterranean countries"
- The Long-Term Impact of Syrian Refugees on Turkish Economy (FEM43-05 report)
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- THE NEXT SOCIETY #NOWANDLIVE Moving towards a healthier planet: Green Tech in the South Med
- The Role of Business Services on Innovation, Productivity, Employment and Exports of Spanish, Turkish and Moroccan Manufacturing Firms
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- ERF 21st Annual Conference: Democracy and Economic Development
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- Femise country profiles
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- What areas of cooperation between European institutions and countries of the Mediterranean basin?
- The Role of Vicinity Linkages in the EU-MED Region for Trade Growth
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 20: "The Long-Term Impact of Syrian Refugees on Turkish Economy"
- Mediterranean economy seeks second wind
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.4: COVID-19 and Households in Egypt: Implications, Policy Response, and Recommendations
- Private Capital Flows in Southern Mediterranean Countries : Determinants and Impact on Economic Growth, Domestic Investment and Wage Inequality
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- OCEMO Survey on Young People’s Expectations
- Women and Economic Development in the Mediterranean
- Expat remittances – An aid to better living in Lebanon
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- The Challenges of Climate Change in the Mediterranean
- Femise takes a closer look at the difficulties encountered by the Mediterranean private sector
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.13: Deterioration of Food (In)security in the South Mediterranean and MENA Region in Times of Covid-19
- TNS/ FEMISE Policy Brief no.6: Embracing Digitalization: the future of startups in the South Med region
- The Barcelona Process : Beyond economic progress
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- Interview with Dr. Ahmed GALAL, within the context of the FEMISE Annual Conference 2016
- FEMISE Seminar: Kafalat facilitates access to credit for Lebanese SMEs
- Presentation of the EuroMed Report on: "Repatriation of Refugees from Arab Conflicts” (Nov 21st, Cairo)
- 2007 FEMISE Report on the EuroMediterranean Partnership
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- Liberalization of services in Poland and Turkey: A comparative analysis
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- FEMISE is pleased to announce the winners of its 2018/2019 Internal Competition !
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 30: Can Universal Health Coverage Systems (UHCs) Achieve Health Equity?
- When migration policy has an influence on trade
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- (Registration Open) FEMISE annual conference, Valletta, Malta, February 7th-9th 2018
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no5 : Egypt and the WTO Government Procurement Agreement
- Conference Paper 6: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE GREEN TRANSITION IN LEBANON AND SYRIA Identifying Policy Gaps and Spotting Opportunities to Design Sustainable Policies
- Femise Publications
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- Economic interests and ecology along the coastal territories of Algeria and Morocco
- POLICY SEMINAR: Structural Transformation in Selected South-Med Countries
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- Efficiency of Monetary Policies in a Changing Macroeconomic Environment
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- FEMISE had the pleasure of co-hosting a workshop on "Sustainable Finance" at SDSN-France with Prof. Jeffrey Sachs (13 November, Paris)
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.18: Promoting data-driven processes in the response and recovery from the pandemic through regional collaboration and peer learning
- FEMISE Launches its New Website
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- Early childhood development and inequality of opportunities in the Mediterranean
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- Evaluation of the ?Programme de mise à niveau? implemented by the southern Mediterranean countries
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- Article 6: Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Mediterranean, a roadmap is emerging
- Economic Policies, Firms’ Entry and Exit and Economic Performance in Four MENA Countries
- New Femise Research Reports
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- Help Moroccan SMEs join the international value chains
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.5: A Digital Financial Education to Support the «New Normal» in the Post-Pandemic Era
- TNS/ FEMISE Policy Brief no.7: Turning Energy and Water Crisis into opportunities: The creative inventions of Start-ups in South Med countries
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- Vol 9: The Socio-Economic Impact of Migration Flows- Springer
- FEMISE Annual Conference In Barcelona2023- Plenary Session 3 Report
- 2008/2009 Euromed Report: Mediterranean Partner Countries Facing the Crisis
- The knowledge economy benefits the Gulf States
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- (PDF, GB, 190 p., 3.7 MB)
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Zakaria Fahim: "We must make the Africas communicate"
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no17 : "Closing the gender gap: policy-making that promotes inclusive Mediterranean societies"
- FEMISE annual conference, Brussels, Belgium, June 13th-14th 2019
- Compétitivité prix et efficacité productive dans les secteurs manufacturiers des pays d’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen Orient
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no12 : « The key role of education in the professional integration of young people in the Marrakech region »
- 10 New Femise Research Reports available online
- Comparative analysis: Size of companies and productivity factors in the Mediterranean
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- Interview with Pr. Patricia AUGIER, within the context of the FEMISE Annual Conference 2016 (in french)
- Workshop on "Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Economic Attractiveness of local Territories"
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Six propositions for lifting the brakes on SME development
- Gender Equality: FEMISE signs Altafemina's Charter of Performing Diversity
- TNS/ FEMISE Policy Brief no.8: A window of opportunity for the South Med region to grow a thriving biotech economy through entrepreneurship
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- Summary
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Relationships between multilateral institutions and the nation states of the Mediterranean basin : Summary Report of Toulon Conference
- FEMISE Annual Conference: Shifting Paradigms: Opportunities For a Deeper Euro-Mediterranean Integration In a Changing World, Barcelona- September 27th -29th,2023
- 5 new Research Reports published in June 2010
- UE states should build a european common migratory policy
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- Charbel Nahas: "A fragmentation of the Syrian space is to be feared"
- THE NEXT SOCIETY launches the first Mediterranean Innovation Scoreboard, created by FEMISE
- Interdependencies of Health, Education & Poverty with Policy Implications for Southern Mediterranean Countries
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- 11th Mediterranean Economic Rendez-Vous
- CASE: Call for proposals on "The Future of Europe – Central and Eastern Europe in a Comparative Perspective"
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- Report on: "Elements for a Strategic Economic and Social Development of Tunisia in the Medium-Term"
- Conference on "Research Initiative on the Economics of the Middle East", 5-6 November, Paris, France
- It’s decision time for Mediterranean countries
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- The Mediterranean Institute celebrates 20 years
- The Economic Impact of Climate Change on Southern Mediterranean Countries
- Round 2: Call for Policy Briefs “COVID-19 MED BRIEFS” (Deadline extended: 12 February, 2021)
- FEMISE-FEMIP Study: Why Mediterranean countries withstood the impact of the crisis
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- Financial Development, Economic Growth And Poverty Alleviation In Mena Region
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- Economists from Institut de la Méditerranée and FEMISE points for revitalizing the Tunisian economy
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.19: Designing Realistic Green Economic Recovery Plans after the COVID-19 Pandemic
- “Financial integration in MENA countries would lessen their vulnerability to global shocks”
- Vol 4: The Arab Spring: Implications for Economic Integration- VoX-CEPR
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- Political responses to the economic crisis in the Mediterranean
- 2010 Euromed Report: The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership at Crossroads
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- Dr. Ibrahim Elbadawi, new President of FEMISE and new Managing Director of ERF
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- WEF-CAP White Paper1:Towards the Adoption of an Integrated WaterEnergy-Food Nexus approach in Jordan: Challenges & Opportunities
- The Greater Arab Free Trade Area: An ex-post appraisal within an imperfect competition framework
- Tourism – engine for growth in the Mediterranean
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Macro Management & Evaluation of IMF Reforms: Tunisia and Comparative Experiences
- The Euro-Mediterranean partnership at the Crossroads
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- WEF-CAP Livre Blanc1:Vers l’adoption d’une approche intégrée du Nexus eau-énergie-alimentation en Jordanie : Défis et opportunités.
- Policy Brief 1: Financial Integration and Spillovers in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: The Way Foward for SMCs Financial Markets
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- Conference Paper 7: EU HYDROGEN POLICY: What Path for a Just Energy Transition in North Africa?
- The release of agriculture, services and migration
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Call for Trainees IM-FEMISE
- Vers l’adoption d’une approche intégrée du Nexus eau-énergie-alimentation en Jordanie : Défis et opportunités.
- Analyse de l'impact de la croissance sur la pauvreté et identification des stratégies de croissance bénéfique aux pauvres («pro-poor growth strategies»). Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Egypte, Israël, Liban, Maroc, Tunisie et Turquie.
- Vol 1: Inflation Targeting in MENA Countries: An Unfinished Journey-Palgrave Macmillan
- Foreign direct investment affects the survival of businesses
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- FEMISE Third Internal Competition 2017/18 (now closed)
- Potential Accession to the Revised WTO Government Procurement Agreement: The Cases of Egypt and Turkey
- FEMISE Call for Policy Briefs - DL 28 September 2019
- Ndiouga Sakho: "We must experiment within the territories, with the local actors"
- Altafemina, FEMISE and IM conclude a partnership for women in the Mediterranean !
- WEFCAP White Paper No3: Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Unexplored potentials for Tunisia
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 21: "Catalyst for Empowering Women and Gender Equality : The case of Egypt"
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no15 : « Is informality an irrevocable obstacle to Universal Health Coverage ? »
- Migration, Comparative Advantages and Knowledge Diffusion (report FEM44-11)
- 2011 Euromed Report: Towards a new Med Region Achieving Fundamental Transitions
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- The keys to building new social contracts in the Mediterranean
- Dynamique des investissements, mutations sectorielles et convertibilité du compte de capital : impacts des mesures de libéralisation et expériences comparées Tunisie – Maroc
- In Memory of Dr. Frederic Blanc (21st February 1967-1st of March 2014)
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- More productive Middle-Eastern firms exporting more?
- Med Change Makers e02 : Simona RAMOS, Climate-Induced Migration: Issues and Solutions
- FEMISE Conference Paper No.1 : Financial Integration, Stability and Spillovers in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Implications for Enhanced SMCs Financial Markets
- Vol 2: Europe and the Mediterranean Economy – Routledge
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- Social Entrepreneurs’ Responses to the Refugee Crisis in Jordan and Lebanon (report FEM44-12)
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.6: COVID-19, Challenges and Opportunities: The case of Tunisia
- WEF-Cap Project Public Consultation In The Euro-Med Region
- A dynamic long and short term approach to migration between MPC’s and the EU: Demographical framework and the role of economic and social reforms
- FEMISE Launches its 2013 Euromediterranean Report
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- How does Migration Boost Trade?
- 2012 Euromed Report: The Season of Choices
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- Beyond Reform and Development & FEMISE conclude a strategic partnership for Inclusive Development in the Mediterranean
- Vol 6: Labor and Health Economics in the Mediterranean Region: Migration and Mobility of Medical Doctors
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- #NOWANDLIVE ECOMMERCE: Keeping the Growth Momentum in Post-COVID Recovery
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- Social and Solidarity Economy: a Driver for inclusiveness and job creation in the Mediterranean partner countries?
- MED 2012 Report on Green Growth in the Mediterranean
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Job Opportunity: FEMISE (Sr.) Program Officer
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- FEMISE is pleased to announce the winners of its 2016 Internal Competition !
- Contribute to FEMISE Researchers Database
- Call for Policy Briefs “COVID-19 MED BRIEFS" (27 Juin 2020)
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- FEMISE Annual Conference 2017 (Registrations now closed)
- External and internal imbalances in South Mediterranean countries
- FEMISE Celebrates the World Refugee Day: interview with the experts
- Vol 3: ICTs for Health, Education and Socioeconomic Policies- IGI Global
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- Morrocan Green Plan : “Considering the transformation of Morocco's economy as a whole”
- Education Mismatch in North Africa: determinants and impact (report FEM44-13)
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- Income Convergence and the Impact of the Euro-MED Trade and Financial Integration on Macroeconomic Volatility
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 22: "Evaluation of IMF reform programs in a period of political transition..."
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- Call for Papers: V Meeting on International Economics
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- FEMISE is pleased to announce the winners of its 2017 Internal Competition !
- FEMISE Annual Conference In Barcelona2023- Plenary Session 4 Report
- ERF 20th Annual Conference: Social Justice and Economic Development, March 22-24th 2014
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- THE NEXT SOCIETY #NOWANDLIVE Health-Tech in the South Med: A transition with opportunities for entrepreneurship
- 2007 Femise Conference: 22-23 November 2007 - Summary of presentations
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- COP23 and climate change in the Mediterranean: Institut de la Méditerranée and FEMISE stand out as key academic actors
- Job Opportunity: FEMISE (Sr.) Communication Officer (Closed)
- Vol 7: Innovation, Globalozation and Firm Dynamics-Routledge
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- Regional Integration and Goods and Factors Flows in the MENA Region
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- Workshop on "Firms and Globalization"
- Democratic Transitions in the Arab World
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- Call for papers: Report on Mediterranean Economies (ISSM, CNR, UfM)
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.7: Socio-economic response to Covid-19: challenges and opportunities for selected North Africa countries
- Conference paper 8: Impact of Financial Development and Trade Barriers on GVC Participation of Southern Mediterranean Countries
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- FEMISE joins the high-level meeting organised by the UfM on the private sector
- International Conference: Poverty and Inclusive Development, New approaches and challenges
- Call for interns FEMISE : Deadline for submission: 24 February 2019
- Examining the Deep Integration Aspects of the Eu-South Mediterranean Countries: Comparing the Barcelona Process and Neighbourhood Policy
- Femise Conference, 14-15th of December 2008, Istanbul Turkey
- The opening up of Mediterranean countries should continue... smartly
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- Call for Papers: Research in International Business and Finance: Special issue: ‘Finance reconsidered’- DL : 1 June 2015
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- Med Change Makers e06 : Alexandra FLAYOLS, Education & Integration of the Marrakech youth
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- Vol 8: Knowledge-Based Economic Policy Development in the Arab World- IGI International
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- Open Access Micro Data Initiative (OAMDI) by ERF
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.20: Unlocking the potential of returned migrants in South Mediterranean countries through a three-pillar strategy
- Full Integration Versus Partial Trade Liberalization: Comparing The Economic Performance of The NMS and MPC’s
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- Labour Market Policies and Informality in Algeria
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no8 : Women in the MENA labour market. Can collaborative economy be of help?
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no19 : "Reforming Fossil fuel Subsidies: Challenges and Opportunities for Mediterranean countries"
- THE NEXT SOCIETY #NOWANDLIVE on Energy Resources Transition in the South Med: From Conventional to Renewable
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- The Main Routes of Migration Steered by Culture
- Call for Papers for the third Workshop of the Research Initiative on the Economics of the Middle East 5-6 November 2018
- FEMISE Annual Conference, 14-15 November, 2009, Brussels, Belgium
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- Temporary migration generates wealth in countries of origin
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 23: "Developing Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in the Mediterranean and Middle East"
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- Winners and Losers in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry along the Transition Process
- Complexification of production as a vector of economic transition and the role of short-term policies
- Article 5:Towards the creation of a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Committee in Tunisia
- Making the most of trade liberalization
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- FEMISE 2009 Annual Conference: theme and agenda
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- FEMISE exploring innovation boost for Southern Mediterranean economies
- FEMISE call for papers towards its 2023 Annual Conference
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- Impact of Remittances on poverty and inequality: Lessons from two new surveys conducted in Morocco and Algeria
- Vacancy Announcement at ERF: Managing Director Vacancy Starting 2017
- Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects of the Barcelona Initiative’s Liberalization Process
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- 11th FEMISE annual conference: Inclusive Development in the South-Med Countries and the Role of the EU-Med partnership
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- Med Change Makers e05 : Katarzyna SIDLO, Women Empowerment and Collaborative Economy
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no1 : Implications of the coronavirus crisis in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East
- FEMISE Annual Conference, 23-24 November 2010, Rome, Italy
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Announcement: Publication of the book "Advanced Mathematical Methods for Economic Analysis"
- The Need of Mobilizing Human Capital Towards Innovation in the Mediterranean
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Poland - Turkey Transport Systems: a Springboard for Exports
- Determinants and Consequences of Migration and Remittances: The Case of Palestine and Tunisia
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- 10th FEMISE annual Conference: The Arab Awakening and the Role of the EU-Med partnership
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- FEMISE Conference: Structural Transformation in the Mediterranean Partners
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- Report on the FEMISE-CMI Webinar on: Navigating through COVID-19 in the Mediterranean
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Pr. Patricia AUGIER, new President of the Scientific Committee of IM
- Mediterranean Youth Climate Network, FEMISE and IM conclude a partnership for the Environment and Youth in the Mediterranean
- "Renewable Energy Development Strategies in the MENA Region" (Report FEM43-04)
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 26: " Unequal Opportunities in Early Childhood in the Mediterranean"
- What Can Be Learnt from the New Economics of Emigration of Medical Doctors to the European Union: The Cases of East and Central European, Middle Eastern and North African Economies?
- 9th FEMISE annual Conference; Structural Transformation and the Role of EU-Med Partnership
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no9 : "The determinants of export performance of firms in MENA countries"
- WEF-CAP white Paper 2:Technology, Research and Development and Innovation: Towards the adoption of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Egypt
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- The private sector, its role as an engine of growth and job creation, at the heart of FEMISE research
- Views on Reforms and Structural Transformation in the Mediterranean
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- 8th FEMISE annual Conference: Are South Med Countries Converging?
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- TNS/ FEMISE Policy Brief no.1: E-health Start-ups, an Opportunity to Support the Transformation of South-Med Health Systems
- Renewable Energies and Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean: Morocco and the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP)?
- International Trade and Sectoral Specialization: An Assessment of Major Trade Areas
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- The 2015 review of the ENP: the transformative power of the EU re-loaded?
- Mediterranean: FEMISE shines a spotlight on Women and Young "Change Makers" 1/2
- Workshop on Migration in the Mediterranean, 16-17 April 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- FEMISE and IM at COP23, BONN 2017
- 7th FEMISE annual Conference: The EU-Med Region in a Changing Environment
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- Corporate Performance in Transition : The Role of Business Constrains and Institutions in the South Mediterranean Region
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- Extended EU-Med Neighborhood: FEMISE experts advocate for openness to Africa
- FEMISE welcomes 2 new members
- Economic outlook of the Mediterranean countries in the post global financial crisis: SMEs ? SMIs Business surveys and comparative diagnoses with Algeria & Morocco
- Tourism industry as an engine for export-led growth and social development: Analysing its main characteristics and future prospects for Mediterranean countries
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- 6th FEMISE annual Conference
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- FEMISE at Plan Bleu Workshop on "Economic Instruments of Environmental Policies"
- "Discovering Social Change Makers" : Social entrepreneurship as a key issue in the Mediterranean and Africa (November 20th, Marseille)
- Mediterranean: "Facing an increasing water scarcity is one of the greatest challenges" (repost)
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- Remittances from migrants an asset to countries of origin
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- The macroeconomic impact of labour liberalization and policies in MENA countries
- Climate Change and Economic Growth: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis for Egypt
- 5th FEMISE annual Conference
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- Evaluation of the “Programme de mise à niveau” implemented by the southern Mediterranean countries
- 3rd workshop on "Firms, Trade and Development" , 4-5 July 2011: Recommendations
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- Egypt: Better access to Banks for Better Performing SMEs
- Obituary for Pr. Bruno Amoroso (11 Dec 1936 - 20 Jan 2017)
- JOB OPPORTUNITY for A FEMISE Communication Assistant – Deadline 7 October 2024 CLOSED
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- Workshop on: "Innovation, Globalisation and Firm Dynamics"
- Structural Transformation and Industrial Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- WEF Nexus Technology: Innovation design for circular economy & replication in the Mediterranean
- The Economic Costs of Climate Change in MENA countries: A Micro-Spatial Quantitative Assessment and a Survey of Adaptation Policies
- Does Government Support for Private Innovation Matter? Firm Level Evidence from Turkey and Poland
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- Economic performance can be improved through decentralization... subject to certain conditions
- Call for trainees FEMISE : Deadline for submission: 15 March 2018
- Med Change Makers e03 : Jocelyn VENTURA, Integration into the global value chains of Moroccan SMEs
- EuroMed Report: Identification of barriers to the integration of Moroccan SMEs in global value chains
- FEMISE Annual Conference, 15-16 December 2011, Marseille, France
- 4th FEMISE annual Conference
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- Decision Tree of the Roadmap For Agricultural Liberalization in The Euro-Mediterranean Zone
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- FEMISE and the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) Seal a Partnership Agreement
- Article 4: FEMISE advocates an integrated approach to the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the MENA region
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- Policy Seminar on “Unlocking the Potential of the Private Sector in South Med Countries”
- Migration and the refugees crisis: FEMISE experts discuss the dawn of a new era
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the Liberalization of Trade in Services: An Evaluation of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP)Influence
- Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with High-Growth Potential in the Southern Mediterranean: Identifying Obstacles and Policy Responses
- 3rd FEMISE annual Conference
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- The impact of expatriates’ remittances on the households’ standard of living: Comparative study of Lebanon, Morocco and Algeria
- Expert Group Meeting on: "Innovation: Towards a Research Agenda to Unlock South Med Potentials"
- Papers presented at the 10th Annual Conference on the Arab Awakening, Marseille, December 2011
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Environment – Opportunities to be seized by South-Med countries
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 27: "Social Entrepreneurship to Alleviate Refugee Crisis in Jordan and Lebanon"
- 2nd FEMISE annual Conference
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- The Challenge Of Employment In The Mediterranean Countries
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no14 : "How does spatial proximity of firms contribute to EU-Med transition ?"
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- Evaluation of the ?Programme de mise à niveau? implemented by the southern Mediterranean countries
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- The Trade Creation Effect Of Immigrants: Characterising Socioeconomic Opportunities Arising From Linkages Between People's And Goods' Flows Inside The Mena Region
- The end of the Arab Exceptionalism - Message from the FEMISE Annual conference
- 1st FEMISE annual Conference
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Morocco and Tunisia in Global Value Chains: focus on business services as innovation drivers
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- Towards a New Dynamic to Sustain the Economic and Social Balances
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- (PDF, GB, 190 p., 3.7 MB)
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- Convergence beyond the economic sphere: Effects and feedbacks of Euro-Med integration
- International Trade and Sectoral Specialization: An Assessment of Major Trade Areas
- The 8th Edition of the Mediterranean Economic Rendez-vous, 20th October 2012
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- Call for papers : GDRI 838 - International Development Economics (IDE)
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no13 : "The success pillars of a national innovation system in Maghreb"
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- Social Entrepreneurship as a means to support growth and employment in MED countries
- Med Change Makers e07 : Karine MOUKADDEM, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the MENA region
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.8: Policy Responses to the Environmental Challenges of COVID-19 in the Southern Mediterranean Region in a Short- and Medium-run Perspective
- FEMISE in the top100 “Think-Tank networks” for a third consecutive year !
- Analyzing the Immigration-Induced Changes in Product Diversity and Trade Patterns: The Case of the EU-Mediterranean-Eastern Europe Zone
- Tourism industry as an engine for export-led growth and social development: Analysing its main characteristics and future prospects for Mediterranean countries
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- Summary
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Book Launch: The Arab Spring: Implications for Economic Integration
- Presenation: The impact of expatriates’ remittances on the living conditions in Lebanon
- FEMISE 2016/17 Internal Competition: Second round- CLOSED
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- FEMISE is pleased to announce the winners of its 2015 Internal Competition!
- The WEF-CAP project advocates a paradigm shift towards the adoption of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Mediterranean region
- Tunisia’s gradual economic modernisation must continue
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- FEMISE and ERF researchers are in Paris for the Workshop on Business-State Relations and Growth in MENA
- 2nd Workshop on “Firm Productivity, Trade and Development” , 8-9 July 2009
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- Report on: Post Covid-19: Opportunities for Growth, Regional Value Chains and Mediterranean Integration
- Towards New Knowledge Based Policies for Development in the Arab Economies & Comparisons with Eastern and Central European Countries
- 1999-2006 Femise Annual Reports on Euromed Partnership
- Climate Change and Economic Growth: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis for Egypt
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- Structural Changes, the Foundation of Economic Development in the Mediterranean
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- MedECC: Call for self-nominations of authors for the 1st MedECC Assessment Report
- Immigration at the heart of employment opportunities for the Euro-Mediterranean region
- Workshop on “Monetary Policy and Inflation Targeting” , 24-25 October, 2008
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- Workshop: Integration of Moroccan SME Exporters into Global Value Chains
- FEMISE Conference paper No2. Enhancing Decent Jobs Creation and Access to Funding for Youth: Employment Formalisation and Financial Inclusion Foster Growth in MENA Countries
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- TNS/ FEMISE Policy Brief no.2: From Refugee to Restaurateur: A Syrian Entrepreneur’s Route to Success in Jordan
- Cross-Country Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Productivity in MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment
- Does Government Support for Private Innovation Matter? Firm Level Evidence from Turkey and Poland
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- Modern financial systems key to Mediterranean growth
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- Article 2: The WEF-CAP project advocates the creation of a Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus Council in Jordan
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- Financial Integration and Shock Vulnerability: Implications for the Cost of Capital in Emerging MENA Markets
- MENA industries performances still far away from major developing countries
- Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with High-Growth Potential in the Southern Mediterranean: Identifying Obstacles and Policy Responses
- FEMISE Euromed: Towards a New Dynamic to Sustain the Economic and Social Balances
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- Workshop on: "Decentralization and Regional Development in the Mediterranean countries", 25 November 2012
- Tourism in the Mediterranean, a sector of two-speeds
- FEMISE & Afreximbank Joint Publication« African Trade Report 2023: Export Manufacturing and Regional Value Chains in Africa under a New World Order »
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- Forthcoming Workshop : Relations between multilateral institutions and the nations-states in the Mediterranean basin...
- National savings still not enough for true convergence
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- The Impact of FDI on Firm Survival and Employment: A Comparative Analysis for Turkey and Italy
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- FEMISE Euromed Report 2017: Economic Management Under Fire: How did the South Med Policy-Makers Respond to the Demands for Change?
- The economic contribution of immigration on Europe (report FEM43-17)
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no18 : "The EU’s pursuit of ‘resilience’ in southern Mediterranean countries"
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- 11th Mediterranean Economic Rendez-Vous
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- FEMISE annual Conference 2016 on: "Two Decades after Barcelona: Rethinking the EU-Med Partnership"
- The need to promote vocational training in Egypt
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.9: Economic Policy Responses to COVID-19: the case of EU and non-EU Mediterranean Countries
- The Impact of a Renewable Energies Cluster in Southern Countries: Viability and Economic Impact in Morocco
- Ineffective Egyptian food subsidies are too expensive and poorly targeted
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- Two Decades after Barcelona , Members of FEMISE Rethink the EU-Med Partnership- Summary report of the FEMISE Annual Conference 2016
- Tax reform in Egypt could make its companies more efficient
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no10 : "Are Females good Managers in MENA Countries?"
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- FEMISE partners with the 12th Rendez-vous de la Méditerranée, with participation of Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- Inequality, Intergenerational Mobility of Women Educational Attainment and Inclusive Policies
- Health and education attract foreign investors to the MENA countries over the long term
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- Twin Deficits and the Sustainability of Macroeconomic Policies in Selected European and Mediterranean Partner Countries
- FEMISE and Institut de la Méditerranée at COP24 (Katowice, Poland) !
- FEMISE welcomes 6 new members !
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- FEMISE at Advocacy panel in Tunisia - THE NEXT SOCIETY
- Refugees and hosting countries : integration models and cooperation policy options
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- Institutional quality is the key to the level of domestic and foreign investment
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- International Trade and Sectoral Specialization: An Assessment of Major Trade Areas
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- Spatial proximity and firm performances: how can location-based economies help the transition ?
- Conference Paper 3: Impacts of Neo-Banks on North African Migrants' Remittances and Financial Inclusion
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- Workshop on: "Structural Transformation and Industrial Policy in Selected MENA Countries", 30 September, 2012
- Feminization of occupations and its effect on gender wage gap in South Mediterranean Countries
- Analyzing the impact of a EU-Tunisia DCFTA (report FEM43-16)
- Cooperation, a key factor to relaunch development in the Mediterranean following Covid-19
- Moroccan SMEs plagued by opaque credit access
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- Workshop on Firms and Globalization
- Workshop: Discovering Social Change Makers in the Mediterranean and Africa, November 20th, Marseille
- INTERVIEWS WITH Ms. Hend Ismail and Ms. Randa Harb on E-Education in the South Med, THE NEXT SOCIETY #NOWANDLIVE
- Article 3: Egypt advocates an integrated Water-Energy-Food Nexus (WEFN) approach, Femise delivers its guidelines
- Annual Conference: The EUROMED Partnership as a Catalyst for SDGS: Advancing Value Chains, Climate Action, Digital Transformation and Youth Empowerment
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- FEMISE in the top100 "Think-Tank networks" for a second consecutive year !
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.14: COVID-19 and Women Employment in Mediterranean Countries
- Tourism industry as an engine for export-led growth and social development: Analysing its main characteristics and future prospects for Mediterranean countries
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- Morocco, Tunisia: Higher professions profit most from market liberalisation
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no6 : The Importance of Reconciling South MED Countries positions on The Paris Agreement
- Report "Euro-Med sub-national governments in the fight against climate change"
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- Interview: ‘The long road for Syria to self-healing’
- The 10th Rendez-vous of the Mediterranean: "What Contribution the Social and Solidarity Economy can provide to the Development in the Mediterranean?"
- FEMISE 2015 Internal Competition: First round- CLOSED
- TNS/ FEMISE Policy Brief no.3: Increasing Demand for E-learning in the Southern Mediterranean: An Opportunity for Entrepreneurs
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- THE NEXT SOCIETY : FEMISE participates in action plan to support innovation in the Mediterranean
- Liberalisation of services in Poland and Turkey: Discrimination remains
- Climate Change and Economic Growth: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis for Egypt
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- Call for Proposals Energies 2050 : Organization of events at COP23
- Foreign direct investments, collateral victims of the Arab Spring
- Gender Inequalities on the Labour Market in North Africa (report FEM44-04)
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- Article 1: Rethinking the Water-Energy- Food Nexus in the Mediterranean
- IDOS call for papers :“Social contracts and environmental change "workshop in Bonn, Germany- Deadline March 15.2024
- Tunisia welcomes FDI with open arms
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- Does Government Support for Private Innovation Matter? Firm Level Evidence from Turkey and Poland
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no16 : « Green Public Procurement v.s. Environmental Taxation: implications for EU-MENA environmental policy"
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- Domestic investment must be the driving belt of FDI
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- MedBrief 2, 2014: Cross-Country Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Productivity in the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- Assessing the Macroeconomic and Welfare Effects of Universal Health Coverage in Palestine
- FEMISE Call for Policy Briefs - DL April 30th 2020
- Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with High-Growth Potential in the Southern Mediterranean: Identifying Obstacles and Policy Responses
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Launch of the FEMISE Euro-Mediterranean 2017 Report on “Economic Management Under Fire”: Analysis and Recommendations
- Financial Inclusion and Stability in the MED Region: Evidence from Poverty and Inequality (report FEM44-01)
- Knowledge economy key to future growth in the Mediterranean
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- A Cross-Country Assessment of Well-Being and Quality of Life in the Euromed Region: Models and Measurements
- Good governance a stimulus for trade in Middle East
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- The EIB believes in the potential of the social and solidarity economy in the Mediterranean
- The Real Potential of the Digital Economy discussed at "12th Mediterranean Economic Rendez Vous"
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no1 : Twin Deficits and the Sustainability of Macroeconomic Policies
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.15: Reducing Gender Inequality and Unemployment among Women in the Mediterranean
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- Do emigrants self-select along cultural traits?: Evidence from the MENA countries
- Structural policies mark their return
- Macro and financial crisis management in the south Mediterranean countries: Lessons and Prospects?
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- Education and Intergenerational mobility of women in Arab countries
- Conference Paper 4: Estimation of the Integration of Tunisia and Egypt in the Euro-Mediterranean and South-East African regions using the Gravity Equation
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- In memory of Pr. Ahmed Driouchi
- (Deadline extended to 10/09) FEMISE 2018/19 Internal Competition: Fourth round of Scientific programme
- FEMISE celebrates International Women's Day 2022
- Les effets de la libéralisation agricole sur les économies des pays tiers méditerranéens
- Highlighting the convergence between Europe and the South Mediterranean countries
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- Inclusive Growth in MENA: Employment and Poverty Dimensions in a Comparative Context
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Environmental Regulation and Agricultural Trade Development (report FEM44-06)
- Completing the path to free trade
- Exchange Rates, Trade and FDI Flows and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- External and internal imbalances in South Mediterranean countries
- FEMISE Annual Conference In Barcelona- Plenary Sessions Reporting
- Return Migration in South Mediterranean Countries: Determinants, Impact and Policy Implications
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- As long as southern Mediterranean countries continue to develop at a snail’s pace, people will keep migrating
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- A Favourable Macroeconomic Environment, innovative financial Instruments and International Partnership to Channel Worker’s Remittances towards the Promotion of Local Development
- FEMISE celebrates the World Day of Social Justice
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Produits de terroirs Méditerranéens : conditions d’émergence, d’efficacité et modes de gouvernance (PTM : CEE et MG)
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- Innovative thoughts to unlock the potential of the private sector in MP's
- Workshop on: Social Entrepreneurship in the MENA Region: Inclusiveness and Growth
- “Tunisian economy hit hard by political crisis”
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- Review of ERF-FEMISE Expert Group Meeting on: “Innovation: Towards a Research Agenda to Unlock South Med Potentials”
- Morocco and Tunisia: More graduates but still too few qualified jobs
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- The Mediterranean Limes. The social Variables of development : Health, Poverty and Crime?
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 29: Does Public Preschooling Improve Child Development in Algeria ?
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.21: Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the “livelihoods” of Syrian refugees in Jordan
- Conference Paper 5: ICT As a Driver for Green Economic Growth in the MENA Area
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- South-South Trade Monetary and Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: An Empirical Investigation
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- New FEMISE Advisory Board !
- FEMISE-CMI Webinar: Navigating through COVID-19 in the Mediterranean
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- The pursuit of happiness in the Mediterranean
- The Economics of the Arab Spring in an Era of Hope: The Cases of Egypt and Tunisia
- The Arab Economic Free Trade Area and Perspectives of South-South Integration of the Mediterranean
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- Ouverture commerciale et compétitivité de l’économie: Un essai de mesure de l’impact des accords d’association sur les prix à la production et les prix à la consommation
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no4 : vicinity linkages and trade growth
- WEF-CAP POLICY BRIEF no.2: Opportunities for an Integrated Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach in the MENA region: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon & Tunisia
- Convergence of banking sector regulations and its impact on Bank performances and Growth: the case for Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- Poverty in Transformation: Definition, Indicators and Key Players at the National and Mediterranean Level
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- When the location of a firm affects its productivity
- New Book Looks Towards the Future of Four Arab Conflict Afflicted Countries : Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Iraq
- Does privatisation reduce unemployment and inequality ?
- The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement, An Inquiry into the Cost of Adjustment to Tariff Liberalization for the Egyptian Economy An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb // Obstacles to technology adoption for Small and Medium farms in the Arid and semi arid areas of Maghreb
- Call for Papers: The Political-Economy of Place-Based Policies with a Focus on Special Economic Zones DL: December 31, 2014
- FEMISE MED BRIEF no7 : The Effects of Syrian Refugees on the Labor Markets of Host Countries
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 24: "The economic impact of migrants and refugees on Europe"
- Does Capital Account Liberalization Spur Economic and Financial Performance? New Investigation for MENA Countries
- International Trade and Sectoral Specialization: An Assessment of Major Trade Areas
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- Micro And Small Enterprises potentials and success determinants in Egypt 2003-2004 (special reference to gender differentials); Micro And Small Enterprises in Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco
- "Tunisia develops pilot projects for a social and solidarity economy", Sami Mouley
- FEMISE Member of the WEF-CAP project Consortium
- Support from the G8 for the transition to democracy in Egypt and Tunisia
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- Evaluation of the ?Programme de mise à niveau? implemented by the southern Mediterranean countries
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- FEMISE at the launch of the SDSN France office, co-piloted by KEDGE (November 13, Paris)
- La productivité des industries méditerranéennes
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- The Future of the Textile and Clothing Industries in the Mediterranean Countries in the Face of the MFA phasing-out, China’s WTO Membership, the Multilateral Trade Liberalisation, and EU Enlargements
- Simon Neaime : "Reducing the public sphere to preserve macroeconomic balances"
- Clustering, international networks and performance of firms: some complement approaches for MENA's convergence
- Issues relating to future challenges of the partnership Morocco / EU
- Tourism industry as an engine for export-led growth and social development: Analysing its main characteristics and future prospects for Mediterranean countries
- Vol 5: Monetary Policies, Banking Systems, Regulatory Convergence, Efficiency and Growth in the Mediterranean- Palgrave
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- TNS/ FEMISE Policy Brief no.4: Morocco’s “No-Waste” Strategy: potentials for green entrepreneurs
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- Analyse des investissements publics de croissance (capacity building public investments) et les difficultés de leur financement. Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Maroc, Tunisie, Turquie, Egypte, Israël, Liban
- (PDF, GB, 190 p., 3.7 MB)
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- Labour Markets of the EU-Med region are still suffering from the economic crisis
- Should one consider companies with political connections as national or private entities?
- The sophistication of the economy: source of growth, inclusiveness and employment
- Plan Bleu: Report SoED (RED) 2020: State of the Environment and Development Report
- Fiscal Challenges Of The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements
- Conference : GDRI - International Development Economics
- The determinants of export performance of firms in selected MENA countries
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 28: " Migration, Comparative Advantages and Knowledge Diffusion"
- FEMISE launches a Social Media Campaign on International Women’s Day 2024
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- Modeling the water economy of the Jordan River Basin
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 25: "Financial Inclusion and Stability in the MED Region"
- The Economic and Social Impact of Social Divestiture: A comparison between MENA countries and Other Regions
- Productivity and Liberalization in South Mediterranean Countries
- Climate Change and Economic Growth: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis for Egypt
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- 8th Mont Blanc Meetings: IM and FEMISE at the International Summit of Social Economy
- Femise recommendations to reduce gender inequality at the labour market
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- A Perspective on the Future Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate: Implications for the Peripheral Mediterranean Countries
- An Evaluation of the Benefits and the Challenges of the South-South Integration among the Mediterranean Partners Countries
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- FEMISE MedBRIEF 31: Resilient Mediterranean Agriculture in the context of Water Scarcity
- Fiscal Impact of Trade Liberalization: The Case of Jordan and Syria
- Summary
- Competitiveness in the MENA Region; Investment, Labor Market and Trade Regulation in Egypt, Tunisia & Turkey
- Eco-development in the light of the euro mediterranean partnership: application to the coastal territories of Algeria and Morocco
- Pierre Vimont "Each European State must participate in the effort to welcome refugees in an equitable manner"
- Improving productivity in Mediterranean businesses
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- Intermediate Institutions for the growth of Governance processes in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (INGO-MED)
- Reforms and Structural Transformation in the Mediterranean: Experts Views
- Abla Abdel Latif, Executive Director and Director of Research of The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES), member of FEMISE Advisory Board
- The integration of young graduates and the return on investment in higher education:
- Does Government Support for Private Innovation Matter? Firm Level Evidence from Turkey and Poland
- Flexibilité du travail et concurrence sur le marché des biens et services : impact sur les conditions de travail et le développement du secteur informel en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- Determinants of the Egyptian Exports Market Access to the European Union
- The impact of corporate governance, ownership structure, and economic and financial liberalization on the financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms in selected MENA countries
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- FEMISE Annual Conference In Barcelona- Opening Speeches
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- Environmental Accounting in the Social Accounting Matrix Framework
- EuroMed report: Repatriation of Refugees from Arab Conflicts: Conditions, Costs and Scenarios for Reconstruction
- Banking systems need to further diversify to ensure growth after the Arab Spring
- Identification des effets sur la croissance et l’emploi des mécanismes d’ajustement micro-économiques de l’offre face à l’ouverture
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- Economic Cooperation Potential Between the Mashrek Countries, Turkey and Israël
- Evaluation of the Agricultural strategy of Morocco (Green Morocco Plan) with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
- The linkages between Domestic Investments and FDI, and the Growth of MEDA Countries
- Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises with High-Growth Potential in the Southern Mediterranean: Identifying Obstacles and Policy Responses
- Trade, Employment and Wages in Tunisia: an Integrated and Dynamic CGE Model
- Henry Marty-Gauquié, Honorary Director, European investment Bank, Former Representative of the EIB Group in France, member of FEMISE Advisory Board
- The Role of Labor Market Frictions in Structural Transformation (FEMISE Commissioned paper)
- From 15 to 21: The Impact of the Next EU Enlargement on Mediterranean non Member Countries
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- The Expected Impact of Absorbing Returning Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip Labor Markets
- Impact of Liberalization of Trade in Services: Banking, Telecommunications and Maritime Transport in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
- Consequences of EU Enlargement for the Mediterranean Region
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- Youth brain drain continues in the Maghreb
- Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
- Ex-post evaluation of the impact of trade chapters of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements with six partners: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia
- A Box Evaluation Tool for Alternatives Mediterranean Agricultural Policy
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on the Agricultural Sectors of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt
- The profile of export-oriented firms
- Impact de libéralisation commerciale sur le marche du travail (formel et informel), sur la productivité et sur les revenus : étude comparative Maroc-Tunisie
- Macro and financial crisis management in the south Mediterranean countries: Lessons and Prospects?
- The Informal Economy Employment Impacts Of Trade Liberalisation And Increased Competition In Export Markets: The North African Textile, Clothing And Footwear Sectore
- Short-Term PostDoctoral Research Grants IEMed
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no. 2: Responsive Transportation-Oriented Policies for the MED Region in the Face of Covid-19
- Putting a stop to the adverse effects of remittances on the Palestinian economy
- On the Impact of Economic Development, Trade and Investment Openness on Income Inequality
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- Alliances et réseaux industriels euro-méditerranéens : les accords comme modes d’acquisition de capacités organisationnelles et technologiques
- Agricultural Trade, Accumulation and Growth in the South Mediterranean NICs and Turkey and their Interface with the European Union
- An Economic Analysis of Food Safety Standards and Its Implication on Agricultural Trade in the Context of EU-MED Partnership: The Case of SPS Standards and EUREPGAP Requirements
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- EV2019 workshop: Empowering Women and Youth Leaders in the Mediterranean and Africa (Dec 4th, TheCamp, Aix-en-Pce)
- Les perspectives de changement sectoriel dans les PM : quels secteurs de croissance apres l’industrie légère ?
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- Espace euro-méditerranéen et coûts de la non intégration sud-sud : le cas des pays du Maghreb
- Estimates of Total Factor Productivity and Capital Stock for 3-digit ISIC Manufacturing Sectors in Iran and Egypt
- Med Change Makers e04 : Myriam BEN SAAD, Sophistication of productive systems and economic transition in MENA
- COVID-19 MED BRIEF no.10: Lebanon in the midst of multiple crises: Hope Born Out of Despair
- Deep Integration, Firms and Economic Convergence
- Inclusive Growth in MENA: Employment and Poverty Dimensions in a Comparative Context
- An Economic Analysis of the Palestinian Labor Market for Higher Education
- L’IDE dans le bassin méditerranéen : ses déterminants et son effet sur la croissance économique
- FEMISE accession to ANIMA
- Global Value Chains and Business Environment: Which Factors Do Really Matter? (FEMISE Commissioned Paper)
- Community-Level Impacts of Policy, Property Rights and Technical Options in the Low Rainfall Areas of West Asia and North Africa
- A Survey of the Basic Features and Problems of the Informal Small and Micro- Enterprises in the Arab Region
- The Impact of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on Jordan’s and Palestine’s Agricultural Sectors from a Water Perspective: The Case of Horticultural Exports to EU Markets
- Integration and Enlargment of the European Union … Lessons for the South-South Integration
- Les Effets des Accords d’Association sur l’Industrie des Pays Partenaires Méditerranéens
- Mediterranean: The WEF-CAP Project Brings Together Actors for the Benefit of the Agriculture
- Liberalising trade in services would boost foreign direct investment
- Le rôle des marchés monétaire et financier dans le cadre de la zone « Euro» (analyse comparative du Maroc, de la Tunisie, de la Turquie et d’Israël)
- Decentralization and Economic Performance in Selected South Mediterranean Countries
- Remittances Improve the Living Conditions of recipients
- Med Change Makers e01 : JULIE HARB, Climate Change and the Lebanese Economy
- Competition, Efficiency and Competition policy in the MENA Region
- Dépenses publiques, croissace et soutenabilité des déficits et de la dette extérieure. Etude de cas pour six pays riverains de la Méditerranée : Tunisie, Maroc, Turquie, Liban, Israël, Egypte
- FDI Inflows to the MENA Region: An Empirical Assessment of their Determinant and Impact on Developments
- The Export Potential of SMEs in Southern Mediterranean Countries, A Study In The Light Of The FTA Between The SMC And The EU
- Europe is being transformed into a fortress, when it needs workers
- FEMISE Call for Papers for its 2024 Annual Conference NEW DEADLINE: 29 September 2024-CLOSED
- Global food price shock and the poor in Egypt and Ukraine: a comparison of impacts and policy options
- Return Migration in South Mediterranean Countries: Determinants, Impact and Policy Implications
- Comparative analysis of importance of technical barriers to trade (TBT) for Central and Eastern European Countries’ and Mediterranean Partner Countries’ exports to the EU
- Impact of the Euro-Med Free Trade Agreements: The Case of Morocco
- L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale Euro-Méditerranéenne dans les échanges agricoles
- The European Single Currency and MENA’s Manufactured Export to Europe
- Managing and Resolving Water-Related Conflicts in Agricultural Euro-Mediterranean Trade Agreements
- Obstacles to South-South Integration, to trade and to foreign direct investment: the MENA countries case
- La diffusion des TIC comme technologies génériques en Méditerranée : Dividendes ou fractures numériques ?
- TNS/ FEMISE Policy Brief no.5: Green Tech Start-ups: Effective Solution to Sustainable Challenges in the South Med