“Ambassador of the
Mare Nostrum” ….
…… best describes Frederic for his passion for the Mediterranean, for his inspirational and motivational force to all those around him and for his social ability to attract people around his cause. Also described as a fine gentleman, with great courtesy and who is always ready to help with a big smile and eminent efficiency.
On the 1st of March 2014, FEMISE brutally lost its general manager Dr. Frederic Blanc, an exceptional professional, a dear friend and a caring colleague, but most of all a great genuine person, who is greatly missed with his humour, spontaneity, intelligence, optimism and his love for life.
Holder of a PhD in economics from the University of Aix-Marseille, Frederic joined the Institut de la Méditerranée in 1997 in Marseille and took the responsibility of FEMISE in 2001. He then became its general manager in 2005, where he substantially developed the network, promoted the research on development and became an inspiration to all those who cared about the Mediterranean region. Frederic devoted his last 15 years to establish the FEMISE network and to support his Mediterranean vision.
His legacy will remain for us as an indelible example of success.
Our thoughts are with his family, his wife, his two children and his parents.
We received overwhelming heartfelt messages of condolences and support from friends and colleagues of Frederic for his family and for FEMISE, the following are just a small collection that witnesses his legacy:
He was a close friend to all of us and we will miss him terribly. FEMISE will never be the same without him”- Ahmed Galal and Jean-Louis Reiffers
“…expressing our deep sorrow for the loss of Frederic, a great asset to FEMISE and a great gentleman. We will miss him greatly”- Samir Makdisi and Simon Neiame, Beirut, Lebanon
“…We all know the immense contribution that Fred made to Femise, how much it meant to him and how much of himself he put into the network. Always with great courtesy, a smile on his face, and with tremendous insight. He will be sorely missed, though I am sure ever present in our thoughts… “. Michael Gasiorek, Sussex, UK
« … The pass away of Frederic is a big personal loss for me and the entire Mediterranean community which believe in regional cooperation and progress. But most of all Fredric was a great friend and good person. Always ready to help and support. He had the huge skill to combine personal and social capital with professional work”- Roby Nathanson, Tel Aviv, Israel
“… He has provided the example of how to manage, finance and support innovative mechanisms devoted to promoting development through research. He has been also instrumental in ensuring the management of the frontiers between the EU and the Mediterranean countries with the support of economic research. He has never hesitated supporting promising and innovative projects with energy and enthusiasm. He has always been very practical, without bureaucratic constraints but with higher devotion to research and academia…”.- Ahmed Driouchi, Ifrane, Morocco
“…he devoted his effort to promote and enhance the relationship between the European countries and the southern countries through research and development. Besides, His work and his effort will not be forgotten, it will remain for ever . » Ahmed Baijou, Maroc
« … nombreux sont ceux qui en méditerranée ont perdu un collègue et compagnon résolument attaché à la construction d’un espace méditerranéen de paix et de prospérité”- Henri-Luc THIBAULT, Paris, France
« … Dr. Blanc will always be remembered for his in-depth analytical work and visionary intellectual interventions in the annual meetings of FEMISE and in many other conferences. I will always remember his dedication to the FEMISE mission and his support to its members. His eternal absence is a great loss to us all » – Samir Abdullah, Palestine
“Fred was special. I remember that I used to talk to him in Arabic (although he wont understand the language), but I always felt that he is so close that he can understand what I mean…. He was a kind and devoted person, his life was FEMISE with all its details, members, and different issues. I’ll really miss u Fred, but I am sure that u r a great person and that u r in a better place now”- Ahmed Ghoneim, Cairo, Egypt
“…Je garde de lui le souvenir d’un homme compétent, souriant et disponible durant les rencontres du FEMISE auquelles j’ai participées.“- JAWAD KERDOUDI, Maroc
“ .. I have not words to say my gratitude for his support and his politeness. » Jordi Bacaria, Spain
« …In the name of all the “FEMISE Israelis” I wish to send my condolences to you all and to the family of this really great fellow human being; what we call in Israel and in all the Jewish Diaspora, a real MENSCH… »- Alfred Tovias, Tel aviv, Israel
« … He was young, full of life and cooperative in all aspects. it is hard to believe it. I hopethat we are consoled by the fact that he must have been proud of the achievements of FEMISE, to the success of which he has greatly contributed. On behalf of the Turkish members of FEMISE I would like to express my gratitude to him. May God bless his soul and he rests in peace’- Subidey Togan, Ankara, Tukrey
« ….J’ai connu le défunt depuis quelques années au FEMISE où il n’a cessé de donner du meilleur de lui même pour la communauté des chercheurs et pour le progrès en Méditerranée. »- M’Hammed TAHRAOUI , Rabat, Maroc
“…Frédéric était un homme humainement remarquable et d’une efficacité rare. Il manquera intellectuellement et politiquement à notre région et affectueusement à nous tous.” – El Mouhoub, Paris, France
« … se souvenant avec mes collègues de l’ISSM son grand professionnalisme, la passion pour la Méditerranée, mais surtout sa gentillesse et la grande disponibilité dans les relations avec les autres. Il nous manquera beaucoup! » Immacolata Caruso, Italie
« …Permettez-moi de presenter toutes mes sincères et profondes condoléances à sa famille et à toute la communauté de FEMISE. Le courage particulier faisait son charme et ce souvenir radieux de Frédéric va rester toujours présent dans nos mémoires.”- Tuomo Melasuo, Tampere, Finland
« … Fred was a great person, an excellent professional and a real friend for the entire Mediterranean community »- Gonzalo Escribano, Madrid, Spain
“…He was a fine gentleman and a tremendous asset and an unfailing force behind Femise. He was a friend and a cherished colleague in Femise. He will be greatly missed and I send my sincere sympathies to his family and to Femise. … We all owe him our commitment to continue the work he dearly believed in. We will all remember him as a friend and a gentleman, as a man committed to his ideals and as a believer in the Mediterranean cause… »- John Grech, Malta
« …he was always so active and full of energy. I appreciate the great contribution that Fred made to Femise activities. He was always ready to help; with great courtesy, smile and efficiency he contributed greatly to the success of the whole network. On behalf of members of Polish teams being active in FEMISE projects and myself I wish to express my words of sorrow that our close contacts came to the end.. » Jan Michalek, Warsaw, Poland
“..Mes pensées à sa famille, ses amis. Merci à lui pour ce qu’il nous a laissé et les belles perspectives qu’il a dessinées. Salut Fred! » – Bernard PARANQUE, Marseille, France
« .. My sorrow is very deep for him having reached the end of this life too early.
He was an important pillar of the Femise network, nice and supportive, active and rigorous. On behalf also of my collegues at CELPE I would like to express all my gratitude to him. He leaves to us good memories and we will miss him. May he rest in peace. »- Anna Ferragina, Italy
« …I still can’t believe it!! Frederic (or Fred) as we all call him and extremely nice and very modest person. I join all of you and express my deep sorrow for the loss of a great friend.
Fred, we are already missing you greatly! »- Lahcen Achy, Morocco
“..I have known Fred for over ten years and considered him an amicable, joyful, sympathetic, and sincere person and friend. We will miss his nice spirit and enthusiasm » – Alia El Mahdy, Cairo, Egypt.
« …Son effort au FEMISE pour construire et veuiller à la pérennité euro méditerranéenne du FEMISE n’auront pas été vains »- Nadji Khaoua, Annaba, Algerie
“…je voudrais encore repartager avec toute l’équipe rapprochée du Femise et de l’Institut de la Méditerranée ma lourde peine pour la perte tragique de Frédéric, un ami très cher et un économiste exceptionnel avec lequel j’ai participé à la rédaction de son dernier rapport de partenariat 2013, dont j’en garde encore l’échos de ses excellentes remarques sur mon draft tout au long de l’été passé.
“ – Sami Mouley, Tunis, Tunisie
« …Je présente mes sincères condoléances à sa petite famille, à ses proches et à toute l’équipe de Femise. Frèd va nous manquer énormément…Il y aura un avant et un après le 1er mars 2014 ». Jamal BOUOIYOUR, Pau, France
« … Au nom des membres du Centre de Recherches Méditérranéennes, je présente mes condoléances à tous les membres du FEMISE qui ont perdu en Frederic Blanc un homme de grande compétence et une personnalité hors-pair. A Marrakech, il s’est montré courtois et efficace, réservant un accueil chaleureux à nos étudiants. En ces circonstances si douloureuses, nos prières accompagnent sa famille, ses proches et amis. » Pr.Anissa Benzakour Chami, Casablanca, Maroc
« … Nous avons toujours très apprécié Frédéric aussi bien sur le plan professionnel que sur le plan humain. Quelle perte pour Femise, sa famille, ses proches et pour nous tous, amis et collègues. »- Choghig Kasparian, Beirut, Lebanon
“…He was so nice! We lost a dear friend and colleague! His contribution to the FEMISE and the Mediterranean is huge!” – Sami Ben Naceur, Washington, DC, USA
“…Dr. Blanc has greatly contributed to uphold a high level of capability and proficiency of the femise association as well as effectiveness in the pursuit of its objectives and missions.” – Adel Boughrara, Maroc
You can share your thoughts in the FEMISE facebook page e, or you can send it to us by email: contact@femise.org.