Tunisia is known as “Tunis Elkhadraa” (Tunisia the green), thanks to its historical wide green lands of olives and grapes, however in recent years, the country has been grappling with the effects of climate change. Population growth, economic development and urbanisation have also increased pressure on energy, food and water, thus undermining the sustainable use of resources. These pressing challenges require the development of a comprehensive national Water-Energy-Food Nexus (WEFN) strategy in light of the mandate and targets of both the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2015 Paris climate summit. The WEFN strategy would aim to implement integrated planning and management that reduces trade-offs and creates synergies across the three sectors, ensuring that the environmental and social needs of future generations are reflected in policies and practices. This White paper calls for the establishment of a WEFN committee under the aegis of the National Environmental Protection Agency (ANPE) in Tunisia that will be in charge of increasing policy coherence among the three sectors and climate change p
olicies to provide integrated solutions aimed at mitigating nexus-related risks (integrated policies, non-siloes thinking, linking up across sectors and ministries). In support of the country’s overall goals of achieving long-term sustainable economic development and reducing its vulnerability, this committee will also contribute to building understanding of the overall scope of WEFN as an integrated approach to drive sustainable development in Tunisia, ensuring the development of natural resource management while promoting the circular economy through ad hoc economic measures and social instruments, and stimulating creative thinking and the development of a culture of innovation and technology adoption in the field of WEFN among young people and the community.
The third white paper, which is produced as part of the series of white papers undertaken in partnership between FEMISE, RSS, ANPE, CRES, UNICT, UAB and ECITD in the WEF-CAP project, is entitled: “TWater-Energy-Food Nexus: Unexplored potentials for Tunisia” by Dr.Maryse Louis, and Ms.Sophie Dahdouh, experts in Mediterranean socio-economics at Femise and Olfa Sebai, principle engineer at ANPE in English and Arabic .
Structure of the white paper
- Introduction
- The Water-Energy-Food Challenges in Tunisia: An overview
- Tunisia’s Resilience Building Goals for 2030 through National Initiatives
- Opportunities and challenges for a WEF Nexus approach in Tunisia
- Conclusion et recommandations
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WEF-CAP (THE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND CAPITALIZATION OF WATER ENERGY FOOD NEXUS) is a project part of the ENI CBC MED Programme supported by the European Union through the Grant Agreement nº C_A.2.1_0069 running from 1st of September 2021 to 30th of September 2023.
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