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Appel à Communications: The Political-Economy of Place-Based Policies with a Focus on Special Economic Zones- DL: 31 Décembre 2014



The Political-Economy of Place-Based Policies with a Focus on Special Economic Zones

Date de la Conférence: 23-24 Avril, 2015 Varsovie, Pologne
Appel A Communications

(Date limite pour les Contributions: 31 Décembre 2014)

(détails disponibles seulement en Anglais)

The role of place-based policies for regional development
While locale has always played a central role in any economic enquiry within an economic development and growth context, the absence of its political-economy aspects from in particular the economic literature on regions or regional aspects of development is striking. This is perhaps because in the new economic geography the idea that economic agglomeration is a ‘natural’ result or outcome of a free market economy processes of pull and push (Williamson, 1988) or centripetal and centrifugal (Krugman, 1998) forces has been the dominant paradigm in the mainstream literature during at least the last two decades (and perhaps much longer).
The very opposite idea emerges from the literature on regional economic systems (Cooke et al, 1998). The perspective on regional competitiveness emanating from this tradition is that the emancipation of place by itself for competitiveness purposes is difficult and also dependent on factors such as timing and coincidence (Kitson et al, 2004, Barca et al, 2012). The problem for the regional planners becomes how to ensure the long-term competitiveness in a world of increasingly footloose factors of production.

However, despite the trivial role of chance and the challenges of globalization, place can in this perspective seek to differentiate itself by encouraging for example infrastructure and institution building in ways that convert policy efforts into lasting outcomes that will have a consequently marked effect on the behavior of both businesses, people and governments. Only then does the policy effort effectively convert into lasting institutions, formal as well as informal. But to date there is a lack of understanding exactly how this conversion happens and what are the best tools politically to achieve it for long-term competitiveness.

Pour plus de détails sur les sujets, publications…etc. (téléchargez le  fichier PDF)

Date Limite
The deadline for submission of papers is December 31, 2014. Full papers are preferred, although extended abstracts (5-10 pages) will also be accepted, with the understanding that the full paper is submitted by January 31, 2015. Authors will be notified by February 13. 2015. The papers and abstracts should be submitted to

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Appel à Communications: Research in International Business and Finance: La finance reconsidérée: DL: 1er Juin 2015

logo_Elsevier Research in International Business and Finance

Edition Spéciale: La Finance Reconsidérée

Editeurs: Bernard Paranque (guest editor), Thomas Lagoarde-Segot

Date limite pour envoyer les contributions: 1er Juin, 2015

(Détails disponibles en Anglais seulement)

The ongoing economic, social and environmental crisis has revealed the need to redefine the finance function. Given its micro-normative intent, academic finance bears significant responsibility in this process. In particular, the inclusion of sustainability issues in financial practices requires the explicit incorporation of ethics and values into financial theory. Such a change, however, appears incompatible with the current epistemological structure of academic discourse in finance, which is heavily influenced by logical positivism. This paradox hinders the successful elaboration of the new tools and concepts expected by the multiple stakeholders of academic finance (including the industry, governments, and students). However, many private actors have begun to incorporate environmental and social values into financial practices. This could serve as a stepping stone for the rethinking of academic finance. This special issue will analyze these new practices, discuss the epistemological obstacles to paradigmatic diversification in finance, and attempt to carve out innovative paths for financial research in the 21st century.

Possible themes that relate to this question include:

  • Financialization and the global crisis
  • Finance as a social science
  • Finance, economic coordination and social welfare
  • Performativity and pedagogy in finance
  • Alternative finance and sustainability
  • Mathematisation, empiricism, positivism, facts and values in finance
  • Paradigmatic diversification in academic finance
  • The place and contribution of social ontology
  • Common pool resources management and its financing

Full papers should be submitted to the ‘Finance reconsidered’ special issue via the Elsevier platform by June 1st, 2015:
The submission deadline is June 1st, 2015.

For any query, please contact the editors: Bernard Paranque ( or Thomas Lagoarde-Segot (