



Country: Spain

Institute type: University

FEMISE Institute: yes

Areas research expertise

  • Migration

Participation in FEMISE-funded research: %s

Last publications

1. Ojeda-González, S., Mihi-Ramírez, A., Arteaga-Ortíz, J. Cuenca-García, E. (2017). Spain trade in view of some migratory and economic considerations.
Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 28(5):1-9, ISSN 1392-2785.
JCR Social Sciences Edition. Impact factor: 0.726 Q3 (214/347); 5 year impact factor 0.815
Scimago Journal ranking (2016) H=21, Q2
IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences)
EBSCO (Business Source Complete, Current Abstracts, TOC Premier)
VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information)
CEEOL (The Central and Eastern European Online Library)
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
2. Melchor-Ferrer, E., Mihi-Ramírez, A. Arteaga-Ortíz, J. (2017). Migraciones y convergencia especial de la productividad en Europa. Información Comercial Español, ICE, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: ISSN: 0019-977X.
3.Miranda-Martel, M.J., Mihi-Ramirez, A., Arteaga-Ortíz, J. (2017). How the Level of Economic Growth and the Constituent Elements of Innovation Attract International Talent? Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 28(2):187-197, ISSN 1392-2785.
JCR Social Sciences Edition. Impact factor: 0.726 Q3 (214/347); 5 year impact factor 0.815
Indexación: CIRC 2012: Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas Grupo B; CARHUS+ 2014 Grupo D; Journal of Economic Literature (JEL), EconLit, ECONIS, ISOC, Dialnet, Latindex y OCLC. IN-RECS, CIRC 2012; Grupo B; CARHUS+ 2014 Grupo D
4. Mihi-Ramírez, A., Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, V., Cuenca-García, E. (2017). An inclusive analysis of determinants of international migration. The case of European rich and poor countries. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Volume 23(4): 608–626. ISSN: 2029-4913, doi:10.3846/20294913.2017.1306726
JCR Social Sciences Edition. Impact factor: 2.628 Q1 (40/347). Scimago Journal ranking (2015) H=30, Q2. Scopus Cite score (2015) 2.09, Percentile 88th, Rank: #24/206
Scimago Journal ranking (2015) H=31, Q1
5.Mihi-Ramírez, A., García-Rodriguez, Y. & Cuenca-García, E. (2016). Innovation and international high skilled migration. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 27(4):452-461, ISSN 1392-2785.
JCR Social Sciences Edition. Impact factor: 0.726 Q3 (214/347); 5 year impact factor 0.815
Scimago Journal ranking (2016) H=21, Q2
6. Mihi-Ramírez, A., Cuenca-García, E. & Miranda-Martel, M.J. (2016). Is there a causality between emigration and other mobility factors? A panel VAR models approach for Baltic and Scandinavian countries. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 27(3):325-333, ISSN 1392-2785.
JCR Social Sciences Edition. Impact factor: 0.726 Q3 (214/347); 5 year impact factor 0.815
Scimago Journal ranking (2016) H=21, Q2
7.García-Rodriguez, Y., Mihi-Ramírez, A. & Navarro-Pabsdorf, M. (2015). Highly-Skilled Migration, Migrant Networks and the Prestige of Academic Institutions. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 26(5):500-506, ISSN 1392-2785.
• JCR Social Sciences Edition. Impact factor: 0.806 Q3 (180/344); 5 year impact factor 0.761
• Scimago Journal ranking (2015) H=20, Q2
8. Mihi-Ramirez, A., García-Rodriguez, Y. & Metelski, D., (2015). Economic Factors Concerning the Migration of the Best Educated Workers. The Case of College Teachers. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 18(4): 100-122. ISSN 1508-2008.
Indexed in ProQuest (CSA) - FRANCIS (Humanities & Social Sciences), BazEkon, Cabell's Directory, CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities),Celdes,CNPIEC, DOAJ, EBSCO Discovery Service, ECONIS, Google Scholar, IC Journal Master List, J-Gate, Microsoft Academic Search,Naviga (Softweco),Primo Central (ExLibris),ProQuest - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS),Research Papers in Economics (RePEc),SCOPUS, Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest), WorldCat (OCLC))