Forthcoming Workshop : Relations between multilateral institutions and the nations-states in the Mediterranean basin…

Under the PROSMED round of conferences and with the support of FEMISE, members of the Euro-Mediterranean Civilizations and Societies Axis at the University of Toulon are organizing a conference on the topic “Relations between multilateral institutions and the nations-states in the Mediterranean basin: what areas of cooperation and are there sources of tension? “.

PROSMED (Prospects in the Mediterranean: contacts, tensions, vulnerabilities) is a multidisciplinary project supported by the University of Toulon and the PACA region.

The project aims to present fresh views on issues that the Mediterranean region could be confronted with in the 2030-2035 horizon. The aim is to produce analytical tools that would feed into strategies that could be implemented during complex times, in order to ensure flows between the two shores remain efficient and harmonious.

The first PROSMED event, receiving support from FEMISE, will be held at the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Toulon on June 3rd, 2016. The event will consist of a roundtable with stakeholders offering more opportunities to engage in a genuine debate. For more information on the event, please click here for the provisionnal program (in french).